  1. Day After Day



Day After Day

It was only a dream
Things are not as they seem
I hop out of bed
But what do I dread?
Day after day the weight of the world waits at my window

Think I’ll go for a walk
Got a lot on my mind
When I open that door
But what do I find?
Day after day the weight of the world waits at my window

Day after day, day after

Come, have a cup of tea
Take a moment to chat
No, nothing’s worrying me
Well, maybe just that
Day after day the weight of the world waits at my window

Day after day, day after day


Find me spinning round
On this merry-go-round
I can’t touch the ground
I can’t stop from falling down
‘round and around and around and around and a

Like to change my mood
Like I change my shirt
Rearrange this tune
So the ending won’t hurt
Day after day the weight of the world waits at my window
Day after day

c 1984 Paul shire 11/12/1984

all media copyright paul shire colarusso 1978-2017 all rights reserved

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