October 6, 1985

I can't explain myself any clearer than this lyric. I can't explain why this happens. I only know i fall into this very same hole time and time again. It's not by design; it's a flaw, and a habitual one at that.
Here is a picture of a relationship in the midst of hopeless head to head, "tete a tete" negotiations. The safe haven here, is sleep.

This version recorded 8/9/2016


The Sandman’s Comin'

Words, you hit me with words
They bounce in my ears
They fall to my knees

Say, I’ve something to say
You’ve nothing to fear
We’ve nothing to lose

The sandman’s comin' and the milkman’s light-years away

Stars, you’re hangin’ on stars
They melt into tears
They’re filling your shoes

Haze, we’re eyes in a haze
When faces appear
We’re often surprised

Silhouetted passion
Pirouetted rationality
Tete a tete la facon
C’est la guerre
C’est la vie

Love, slippery love
We save souvenirs
But love slips away

Learn, we’ve lessons to learn
We’ve voices to hear
We’ve reasons to live

The sandman’s comin' and the milkman’s light-years away

© 1985 paul shire